Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Palace Comes to New York

This past fall Palace Skateboards came to New York City. Palace skateboards began as a crew of skateboarders  from London who lived with each other in dirty skate houses and skated with each other. The original name of the crew is Palace Wayward Boys Choir. The crew began to garner a cult following with the clips they put on dontwatchthat.tv . The clips would contain footage, some new, some old, of skate clips and other comical things. The clips are an homage to simpler times in skateboarding when people like Stevie Williams and Josh Kalis filmed epic parts at Love Park in the late nineties and early two thousands. The clips often feature older hip hop found on classic radios shows like Stretch Armstrong and Bobbito's on WKCR radio from the early nineties. Eventually the following for PWBC became so immense that one of the members Lev Tanju turned an inside joke among friends into an international skateboard company.

The clip Palace Skateboards made from their fall trip to NYC is one of the best web clips I've seen in a long time. It's filmed on VHS and looks as if it were made in the early nineties. The music also sounds as if it were from the early nineties. They edited it to a classic freestyle by Fat Joe and Keith Nut that was used in Zoo York's Mixtape video from the early nineties. The skating is amazing and features Chewy Cannon, Olly Todd, Rory Milanes, and Lucien Clarke. I highly recommend this video.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring is on it's way

This is a short video I made containing footage from summer to fall of last year. It sums up my lifestyle pretty well and was fun to make. I hope you enjoy it.